Mana Rapa Nui Foundation

electricity, drinking water and green hydrogen

Ambar’s 3-SOL-X Solution

  • Provide electricity with an eco-friendly source to sectors that currently lack it, such as rural areas.
  • Grants access to potable water.
  • Green Hydrogen production.

3-SOL-X Schema

Rapa Nui’s 3-SOL-X Schema

Ambar’s 3-SOL-X Stages in Rapa Nui

Stage 1:

RURAL PILOT: Supplying electricity to the rural sector, additionally utilizing surplus energy to produce green hydrogen and potable water. To achieve this, a system with a capacity of 60 kW will be installed.

Stage 2 (Final Stage):

Full deployment of a solar energy system of 7Mw to
supply the entire community of Rapa Nui, thereby eliminating the use of fossil fuels for power generation.