About Us
Mana Rapa Nui Foundation is deeply committed to improving the quality of life for individuals and fostering the sustainable revival of local production. Our primary objective is to promote innovative programs that not only drive economic development but also preserve the purity of our environment.
Recognizing the importance of reconnecting with our roots and promoting practices that respect the land, we strive to revitalize local production without compromising environmental integrity.
We embark on the noble mission of creating programs that benefit not only the Rapa Nui community but also mitigate the effects of climate change.
Mana Rapa Nui Foundation is focused on bringing technologies to help the island with:
Mitigation Objectives
• Carbon Neutral Energy Matrix Transition.
• Energy security during extreme events.
• Sustainability in diversification of productive activities.
• Diagnosis of climate risks and proposals for adaptation measures.
• Promote food security and family farming.
• Sustainable tourism focused on climate risks.
Adaptation Objectives
• Diversification of productive activities: Promote traditional agricultural crops, native flora nurseries, coffee production, pastures for traditional livestock and
• Production of drinking water for local consumption and irrigation water. Efficient use of water.
• Reforestation and soil recovery programs.
Our vision is to contribute to organizations that promote cultural rescue, traditional teaching and medicinal knowledge.