Mana Rapa Nui Foundation

My name is Erity Teave,
Pacific Region Representative at COP28,
Founder of Mana Karu,
President of Fundación Maná Rapa Nui.

Rapa Nui, located in the East vertex of the Polynesian triangle, South Pacific, the legacy of its cultural and archaeological heritage astonishes as one of the 7 wonders of the world, according to UNESCO; and the Island is currently under the colonization of Chile.

In my capacity as one of the Representatives of the Pacific Region, in diplomatic mission to COP28 with the mandate to advocate and participate in the discussions the common challenge we face as humanity, the climate change and crisis, in this sense, it is promoted to promote collective cooperation, suggest proposals for solutions and strategies necessary to reduce and mitigate the impacts of climate change, which persists as a global emergency.

Creation promotes that existence and life are intimately intertwined with God, with nature and environmental integrity, ecosystems and strong anthropological links and dependence on Mother Earth and the Ocean, which are sources of Ancestral subsistence and food security, for survival, a masterful order of balance; principles that the native peoples, we continue to honor and revere, despite the destructive colonization and militarization in the Pacific Region; therefore, here I present a summary of proposals addressed as a strategy, priorities and action plan to confront the challenges of climate change.

Urgent actions:


a) Urgently implement and develop the Paris agreement.

b) Promote the gradual transformation towards renewable energies.

c) Reduce from 80% to 10% the global dependence on coal and fossil fuels and all forms of CO2 emissions by 2030.

d) Enhance and rapidly develop reliance on hydrogen and renewable resources such as solar, hydro and wind to generate green energy.

e) This transformation will bring an enormous economic challenge for the Region.

2. Eradicate, close landfills and transform into eco-parks, research centers on sustainable development and environmental integrity, how to reverse climate change, and everything concerning ecosystem and food security.

3. It is highly recommended, the progressive substitution of plastic to avoid the uncontrolled growth of waste worldwide. The reuse of products and utensils based on noble materials is recommended, in order to control the growing pollution of plastics and microplastics in the ocean.

4. A sustainable life and development is vital in the Region, enhancing agriculture, beekeeping, livestock, fishing, education, the economy, including all activities in and out of the ocean, etc. For example, in agriculture, coffee offers opportunities for sustainability and productivity, as well as taro, vanilla, coconut, pineapple, and fishing potential.
It should be noted that livelihood diversification is a very important strategy and ensuring value retention in the supply chain for locally sourced high value commodities is very important to strengthen productivity, sustainability and climate action in the Region.

5. Collective policy is an essential component to achieve the objectives of our frontline actions, (cooperatives or alliances). We must organize Sustainable Development with a view to ensuring that national policy frameworks adequately support and engage communities, organizations and civil society; a collective effort will eventually accelerate ambitious climate action at multiple levels.

6. Prioritize the effort to implement the Paris Agreements, Article 9 stipulates that developed country Parties shall provide financial resources to assist developing country Parties with respect to both mitigation and adaptation, as a continuation of their existing obligations under the Convention; therefore the Pacific Region should manage and request concrete support and access to climate mitigation, loss and damage funds.

7. The Pacific Region urges financial access to sustainable development projects to eradicate poverty, generate jobs and enhance the social economy.

8. Allow people in all regions to have direct access to loss and damage fund resources, a simple process to facilitate grants and ensure transparency in accessibility to funds under any acceptable agreement.

9. The urgent need to accelerate the implementation of domestic mitigation measures Article 6.

10. Establish a clear and accessible mechanism for Peoples to express their concerns about proposals, seek justice for rights violations, ensuring ongoing and meaningful participation in decision-making processes and equitable access.

11. Urgent need to strengthen an integrated and holistic approach in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication, including through mitigation, adaptation, technology transfer and capacity building.

12. Urgent plan and program of work for the protection of terrestrial and marine ecosystems, biodiversity conservation, nature restoration, and social and environmental integrity.

13. The risk and danger of a devastated ecological scenario leads to food shortages, which generate a collapsed society, hunger and poverty; therefore, we can make positive decisions to strive for the common good.

14. Partnerships and collective efforts, coalition building are important steps and strategies to move forward; ideally, partnership with governments can result in an excellent and efficient approach to address the multiple challenges of climate change.

15. Indigenous Peoples throughout the Pacific Region continue to be severely impacted by the climate crisis, victims of man-made disasters, losing everything, therefore they have earned the Right to equality and to keep PEOPLES in their negotiating positions, to be part of the decision making in all Negotiations processes, Financing Mechanisms and Grievance Procedures, related to the prevention and reparation of Losses and Damages and the respect of their enshrined Human Rights, as established by International Laws.

COP28 is a significant platform to make a holistic contribution to diminishing the growing impact and damage of global warming across the planet, insisting that there is indeed a way out, i.e. to reverse and prevent the damage from worsening further.

Most encouraging is the resulting agreement on reducing dependence on coal and not emphasizing reduction, production and dependence on fossil fuels.

What’s the point?

It is also a historic step, however, given the reality of the global emergency and the endless discussions and negotiations, they could have doubled efforts to bring about real change.

The failure to limit the rise in global average temperature and the inadequate climate finance available to compensate those already suffering and those who need to take drastic and costly climate-proofing measures reflect the failure of global elites to change course.

16. The Pacific Region should promote voluntary cooperation, engage with governments in the implementation of the Paris Agreement, consolidate greater ambition in mitigation and adaptation actions and a strong effort to promote sustainable development, social and environmental integrity.
The goal is to accelerate sustainability in all aspects, drive healing processes. Access to financial support will definitely achieve the plans and expectations of the Global Community.

17. There is an urgent need in Rapa Nui and throughout the Pacific to acquire vessels and own resources to improve the management of the sea and protect against clandestine industrial fishing fleets that destroy biodiversity, ecosystems and exterminate food security

18. It is mandatory to optimize the cleanup and removal of microplastics and millions of tons of garbage in the ocean.

19. Initiate the process of ecosystem and biodiversity healing, as well as the transfer of knowledge and training of ancestral management with respect to the Sea.

20. Develop capacity building and training for sustainable ancestral fishing systems.

21. Emphasize the Relevance of the Integration of Scientific and Traditional Knowledge to analyze the rights of Nations, Kingdoms and native peoples versus the relationship with the environment and climate justice and indicate how pollution modifies culture.

It is necessary to organize a coalition among the 7 Regions of the world, this organism, not only could take us to the next level, but would have access to global, international and crucial negotiations where the agreements are unanimous with a common mission and vision for the survival and welfare of humanity.

May God guide us,
Erity Teave


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